Skywings Global aviation Academy

Your Privacy Matters to Us – Learn How We Safeguard Your Data

At SkyWings Global Aviation, we are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of
your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect
your data when you interact with our website.

1. Data Handling

How We Handle Your Data

We collect certain types of information to provide you with a seamless experience:
● Personal Information: When you fill out forms or contact us, we may collect your
name, email address, and other relevant details.
● Usage Data: We gather information about your interactions with our website,
such as pages visited and time spent on each page.

Purpose of Data Collection

We use your data for the following purposes:
● Communication: We may use your contact information to respond to inquiries,
provide updates, and offer assistance.
● Improvement: Usage data helps us enhance our website’s functionality and tailor
content to your preferences.

2. User Rights

Your Rights Regarding Your Data

You have certain rights concerning your personal data:
● Access: You can request access to the data we hold about you.
● Update and Correct: If your information changes, you can request updates to
ensure accuracy.
● Deletion: You can ask us to delete your data from our records.

Opting Out

You have the option to opt out of data collection:
● Communication: If you no longer wish to receive communications from us, you
can unsubscribe.
● Cookies: You can manage cookie settings (explained below) to control data

3. Cookie Usage

Understanding Cookies

Cookies are small text files that enhance your website experience. We use cookies for:
● Analytics: Cookies help us understand how users interact with our website,
allowing us to improve its content and usability.
● Site Functionality: Some cookies are essential for the website’s operation,
enabling features like logins and form submissions.

Managing Cookie Settings

You can manage your cookie preferences by adjusting your browser settings. Please note that blocking certain types of cookies may affect your experience on our website. 

Your Data, Your Choice

Your privacy is paramount to us. We value your trust and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy
Policy, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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